
Reflections from an Author Event

There I was, standing behind the table at the Spring Book Bash. With two books vastly different from each other. A dystopian thriller, and a coming-of-age fiction. Life in Katie’s Shoes was published in 2020. As a kid, I battled with addiction and divorce within my family unit from 2nd grade til the death of…

New Book Release! Bloodhound: The Lord Puppeteer Series Book One

Hello Subscribers! I am happy to announce that I have published a new dystopian thriller. A synopsis is below in bold. Unexplainable disappearances begin to occur in the continental United States. Multiple characters begin to witness unknown anomalies in their lives. When their realities become apparent, multiple revolutions erupt. The search for Lord Puppeteer and…

Overcoming Family Addiction

As I sit here and contemplate the next blog to write, I think to myself, “Where do I even begin?” I start a lot of blogs like this. What do I write? What seems compelling. What is something I could ramble on about that has the faintest impact? What has been on my mind. What…

Standing Up Sideways

Have you ever just looked at something with a blank stare and tilted your head sideways for a bit? It’s not because you’re admiring the item in front of you. It’s because you’re lost in your head, contemplating all the ways in which something could be improved.

This Life of Mine

In the last four months, I have had multiple ideas of what I should write in a blog. It seems odd that I have not posted a blog in that time.

Disassembly Not Required

I had a thought spawn from a conversation I recently had. “Would you let him have a mullet?” A question was asked in regards to if I’d let my significant other grow a mullet. 

Other ideas and thoughts I’ve had about other topics synced with my reply. I chose to dig deeper and ponder it…

Hard work, Luck, and Manifesting

Moments ago, I was walking my dog thinking about how hard work and manifesting something in my life has played out for me. As I was pondering this topic, I looked up towards the trees that blocked my full view of the moon- in hopes that I would start this blog out with something inspirational…

A Modern Woman

Women are beautiful beings. We have gone through so much over time as history has shown us. We continue to fight back. We continue to grow and push past limitations. We start and stay determined at chipping away at boulders that are blocking our path.

Reflections 9.7.22

Whenever something significant happens on a date (Ex. June 29th,) it is hard to imagine that life is able to move on. That the specific date something happened on, is forever known to you as ‘the date you just want to make it through.’ I recently chatted with family and when I asked someone close…

Painting in a Thrift Store

As I write this, I stare at two paintings that hang together on my wall. One is a beautiful blue, green, and pink tones (the northern lights) over snow-covered mountains at night. The artist did a fabulous job framing the focal point with spruce trees. 

The other is a beautiful fall setting including poplar/Aspen trees…

Vibe-ing with Myself

Stop trying to control everything. There, I said it.

I used to be that person who tried to control things I probably should not try to control. A. Because it is most likely none of my business and B. It makes you more toxic.

A Dime for your Thoughts

Often times, as we grow older, we lose sight of what we once viewed as special. Yes, we evolve as we grow older and what we found special may not be the same as when we were younger….

Change Your Narrative

She recognizes that she needs to change her narrative. In order to move forward and be happy, she needs to let go of a lot of sh** that has weighed her down and attempts to trip her up. Yes, trauma has given her a whole lot of resilience and perspective. However, she doesn’t owe her…

I Can’t Stay Silent

I tend to avoid writing about things that are explosive by nature.

For the past however many days since Roe Vs. Wade first made headlines, it has made me reflect a lot not only about that, but other things that tie into that.

Hear me out with questions I have asked myself and am still…

Life. Am I Right?

Have you ever just wanted something so bad, have seen it only with a tunnel-vision perspective, then gotten really annoyed something did not pan out how you wanted it to go?

Good-bye to Toxic Habits

Picture a snake shedding its skin. Be that snake. Shed your old habits so many times that you’re too unbelievably light-hearted and warm. I know, I know snakes aren’t warm. Be warm in the sense where you smile more and worry less. You laugh more than you cry or you cry while you laugh.

Ya Know

A beautiful thing begins as you get older. You begin to understand yourself in new ways. You slowly become accepting of yourself as you continue to grow and learn.

Take Back Your Power

I think a necessary skill to have in life is the ability to see a situation for how it truly is/was. 

Tales of a ‘Broken’ Family

I once met a person who said they did not ever want to be a part of a “broken” family. Meaning, they did not want their immediate family to be split up by divorce.

Conversations We Can’t Have

Our lives deliver us people that unfortunately, it just doesn’t work out the way we wish it did with them. The conversations we can’t have means that someone is either no longer in our lives for any particular reason. 

I’ll Get By

Personal growth is flat-out a witch sometimes. We have put so much work into ourselves to make ourselves better in the ways we chose. However, we sometimes still get hit with the issues that we barely scrubbed by on getting over.

Struggling with Success

What is your version of a successful you? Do you envision yourself being a household name, or someone that is more behind the scenes?

Reflections on Therapy

Therapy does not mean you are a weak person. It means that you are willing to sit there and actively open up to someone with your feelings. It means you are digging into your soul and pulling out the hurt like you would the guts of a pumpkin you are carving.

Use Your Voice

People are scared of people who are empowered. They are even more scared of people who are not afraid of using their empowerment to better the world around them.

Tales of a Salesperson

So, when it comes to pushing the product or service you are behind- what is its purpose? Does it actually help in some way? Does it solve a problem?

Hello, My Love

Hello, My Love As every night closes, and a new morning begins- a fresh start begins, my love. All of the tears you have shed, all of the journal pages you have filled, are all a part of the bigger picture in becoming who you are today. Somedays, you feel like certain parts of your…